Cloud Storage
Cloud storage is a cloud computing model that allows you to store data with a cloud storage solution provider. You can access it anytime through a dedicated private network connection or the public internet. Since the cloud provider stores the data, they take the responsibility for the management, maintenance, security, and support of the storage platform. Giving you access to advanced data storage technologies and allowing you to scale when your storage capacity requirements change.

Benefits of Using a Cloud Storage Solution

Cost control
inoiTech Cloud Storage allows you to use advanced storage technologies, without the need to invest heavily in expensive storage systems. Pay only for the capacity required and eliminate wasting storage space.

With our cloud storage solution, it’s easy to add extra storage when more capacity is required. It’s also easy to select the right cloud storage option for the right workload, such as backup for cold storage, and high-performance block storage for mission critical application databases.

Availability and Reliability
Focus on the use of cloud stored data for your applications and leave the platform management to us.

Security and Privacy
Besides encryption, inoiTech Cloud Storage provides an enterprise grade level security for all three security aspects: availability, integrity, and confidentiality, with additional features to boot.

Choose the best storage performance option that best suits your workload, going up to 30K IOPS/volume with 95%<1ms latency on our performance tier.